What is Alchemy?
Alchemy is the art of transmutation. Alchemy is your inner magic that affects your outer world (what is within is without: The Hermetic Principles.) It can turn lead into gold or pain into pleasure. However you want to see it- this is all about our inner world and using alchemy to create the outer world. When you understand these teachings, you will start to realize how powerful you truly are. You are your own alchemist. By diving deep into the unconsciousness you alchemize the energy back into joy bliss and pleasure. We are here to be in joy and to have a deeper understanding to the power that is rightfully ours. Our inner magic is our birthright. Alchemy is part of that birthright.
Crystal has an approach like no other. She is extremely able to shift the person’s consciousness values and perception of themselves into reconciliation with their true authentic selves. Remember your sexuality is a sacred ritual as was always intended.